Douglas B. Petersen
University of Wyoming
Laramie, WY
Disclosure: Douglas B. Petersen has no financial or nonfinancial relationships related to the
content of this article.
Trina D. Spencer
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ
Disclosure: Trina D. Spencer has no financial or nonfinancial relationships related to the
content of this articles.
This authors of this article present a new language assessment, the Narrative Language
Measures (NLM), designed for screening, progress monitoring, and intervention planning
purposes. The authors examine NLM for its ability to satisfy the requirements of the
assessment of language in a Response to Intervention (RTI) framework. Specifically, they
describe the extent to which the NLM reflects socially important outcomes, involves
standardized administration and scoring procedures, is time efficient and economical, has
adequate psychometric properties, and is sensitive to language growth over time.
“What any person in the world can learn, almost all persons can learn if provided with
appropriate prior and current conditions of learning.” —Benjamin Bloom (1985)
Each child deserves an education specially tailored to his or her needs, and for some
time now, education policy has been shifting in the direction of providing individualized
education to all children (e.g., No Child Left Behind Act, 2001; Individuals with Disabilities
Education [IDEA], 2004). Appropriate education for all children requires individualized
attention, where a student’s progress is carefully monitored and adjustments are made
according to his or her response to the instruction rendered. One way to address the needs of
all children is to apply a Response to Intervention (RTI) model in schools (American SpeechLanguage-Hearing Association [ASHA], 2012; Fuchs & Fuchs, 2006). RTI is a fairly recent
educational initiative that often features three tiers of specialized instruction. This tiered
system allows for increases in instructional intensity (from tier 1 to tier 3) based on a student’s
progress. Children are provided an intensity of instruction appropriate for their individualized
needs, and because needs are not permanent, intensity of instruction is fluid across tiers. To
guide decisions regarding the appropriate intensity of instruction, valid screening, progress
monitoring, and intervention planning practices are required components of effective RTI
systems (Greenwood et al., 2008). The purpose of this report is to introduce a new assessment
tool that can fulfill these RTI measurement functions and help extend RTI to the domain of
General Outcome Measurement and Language
Determining what students should progress toward and frequently assessing their
progress is key to effective, individualized education for all students (Common Core State
Standards, 2012). In U.S. schools, a popular assessment approach is to use curriculum-based
measurement (CBM), which facilitates repeated sampling of student performance in content
that closely aligns with the school’s local curriculum (Deno, 2003). More generic CBM, often
referred to as general outcome measurement (GOM), involves sampling of student performance
in content that is not derived directly from a school’s curriculum (Fuchs & Deno, 1994), yet
reflects a generally important academic outcome. CBM and GOM methods have substantial
support as effective means of monitoring student progress and are well suited to serve in
specialized, RTI educational climates (Baker & Good, 1995; Espin & Deno, 1993, Fuchs, 2004;
Fuchs, Deno, & Mirkin, 1984; Kaminski & Good, 2010).
Deno, Mirking, and Chiang (1982) suggested that GOM assessment instruments should
(a) measure authentic child behaviors and key skill elements that represent important
outcomes, (b) have standardized administration and scoring procedures, (c) be time efficient
and economical, (d) meet the requirements of technical adequacy, and (e) be sensitive to growth
due to intervention or change over time.
Language proficiency plays a foundational role in many academic domains, particularly
in reading comprehension (Dickinson & McCabe, 2001; Dickinson, McCabe, & Essex, 2006).
Currently, there are no screening and progress monitoring tools that meet GOM requirements.
The lack of GOM instruments for language may have much to do with the contrast between
GOM requirements and the traditionally complex methods used to analyze language.
Standardized, reliable, valid, efficient, and economical assessments of language discourse have
not yet been successfully developed. There is an urgent need for such measures of language
(Ukrainetz, 2006), especially if speech-language pathologists are going to become key RTI team
members. To address this urgent need, we developed a new narrative-based language
assessment tool called the Narrative Language Measures (NLM).
The Narrative Language Measures (NLM)
The NLM is comprised of three subtests: the Test of Narrative Retell (TNR), the Test of
Story Comprehension (TSC), and the Test of Personal Generation (TPG). The TNR involves
reading a model story to a child and then asking the child to retell that story. In the TSC, an
examiner reads a story to a child and asks factual and inferential questions about the story.
The TSC may be more appropriate for younger children and children with extremely limited
language skills because it generally requires less expressive language skills than the TNR. The
TPG involves telling a model story to a child and then asking the child to tell his or her own
personal story that is thematically related. Personal narratives from the TPG subtest can be
elicited immediately after a child retells a TNR story by asking if a problem similar to the
modeled story had ever happened to him or her. TPG subtests can also be administered using a
conversation elicitation procedure (McCabe & Rollins, 1994), in which the examiner shares
three stories (one at a time during a conversation) and asks the child if something similar had
ever happened to him or her.
There are currently two developed versions of the NLM designed for use with preschool
children (NLM:P; Spencer & Petersen, 2010) and kindergarten students (NLM:K; Petersen &
Spencer, 2010); other versions (first through third grade levels) are at varying stages of
development. There are 25 short stories for each of the NLM levels, each with consistent
structure, length, and language complexity. The NLM stories highlight events that young
children are likely to experience in their daily lives (e.g., getting hurt, losing something).
Because the NLM:P is currently the most researched version, it will be the primary focus of this
Requirements of a General Outcome Measure
We frame the following subsections under headings that align with GOM requirements.
Our research has not yet addressed all of the necessary characteristics of GOM, but it is
sufficient to provide preliminary evidence and to examine the NLM’s potential.
Authentic Child Behaviors and Key Skills That Represent Important Outcomes
The NLM was designed to represent the construct of narrative language. NLM stories
are based on personal narrative themes that reflect realistic situations many children have
experienced and include narrative features common in typical children’s stories. Narrative is an
authentic, socially relevant discourse that reflects general language ability (Bishop & Adams,
1992; Boudreau, 2008; Hughes, McGillivray, & Schmidek, 1997; McCabe & Marshall, 2006).
Narration is explicitly and implicitly connected to the core curriculum (Petersen, Gillam,
Spencer, & Gillam, 2010) and is associated with reading ability (Dickinson & Snow, 1987) and
academic success (Bishop & Edmundson, 1987). For younger children, personal narratives are
particularly important for social development (Johnston, 2008). Personal narratives are
common in children’s communication and are functionally important for promoting generalized
use of language (Preece, 1987). It is important for young children to be able to tell parents
about their day or report a conflict to a teacher. The ability to use and understand the complex
language used in narration signifies that a child will likely be able to use and understand the
complex language common in schools (Griffin, Hemphill, Camp, & Wolf, 2004).
Standardized Administration and Scoring Procedures
The NLM includes standard administration protocols for eliciting narrative retells,
personal stories, and story comprehension. Each subtest is scripted for consistent
administration, with detailed information on acceptable examiner prompts. The standardized
NLM scoring rubrics consists of 0–2 or 0–3 point ratings for two critical subscales—story
grammar and language complexity. This scoring format is founded on previous research by
Strong (1998); Gillam and Pearson (2004); and Petersen, Gillam, and Gillam (2008). Narrative
organization is comprised of elements often referred to as story grammar (Stein & Glenn, 1979).
Story grammar includes expected features of a story, such as the description of a setting, a
problem, attempts to solve the problem, and the consequence (Peterson, 1990; Peterson &
McCabe, 1983). When combined, these key features of a story are called episodes (plots). A
narrative, like any other type of discourse, is also built from language complexity. Language
complexity used in narration can be evaluated according to the degree to which more complex
and meaningful structures are present. A story can be told using very basic vocabulary and
grammar, but more successful narratives involve complex sentence structures with a clear time
sequence and causal connections between events. This elaborated, complex language helps add
emphasis and climactic shape to stories and is revealing of academically related language
proficiency (Labov, 1972).
With the TNR subtest, children’s retells can be scored in real time or audio recorded for
later scoring. With the TSC, examiners write children’s responses to questions, which can be
scored easily in real time, following administration, or after listening to an audio recording of
responses. Children’s personal story generations are typically scored from a transcribed
Time Efficiency and Economics
Administration for each NLM subtest takes approximately 2–5 minutes and the TNR
and TSC subtests can be scored in real time while the child is narrating. This is of critical
importance to clinicians who may not have time to record and transcribe language samples
before calculating scores. The materials necessary to administer the NLM have minimal costs,
similar to other GOM measures currently available (e.g., DIBELS; Good & Kaminski, 2010).
Technical Adequacy: Reliability
Reliability is “the extent to which individual differences in test scores are attributable to
‘true’ differences in the characteristics under consideration and the extent to which they are
attributable to chance errors” (Anastasi, 1988, p. 109). A measure is considered reliable when
it yields consistent scores over a variety of conditions (Gall, Gall, & Borg, 2007). Reliability can
be measured through self-consistent analyses or through retesting procedures. Nunnally
(1967) suggests that relatively low reliability coefficients (.5) are acceptable in early stages of
research, but that once measures are used to make important decisions regarding student
placement and treatment, reliability should be much higher. A GOM instrument should have
as little measurement error as possible. Strong internal consistency, interrater agreement, and
reliability of alternate forms are of paramount importance.
Alternate Form Reliability. Each of the stories in the NLM was thematically written in
consideration of “typical” personal events that might occur in a child’s life in the United States.
The NLM stories were leveled on multiple features including consistent story grammar;
equivalent number of words; equivalent adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, and conjunctions; and
equivalent syntactic complexity with the same number of adverbial, nominal, and relative
subordinate clauses represented in each story.
Multiple narratives collected from 71 preschool-age children with a mean age of 57.6
months (SD 3.67) were analyzed to investigate alternate form reliability and other evidences of
technical adequacy. Fifty-four percent of the preschool participants were English Language
Learners and all children were of low socioeconomic status. For additional details concerning
the participants and procedures, please refer to Spencer, Petersen, Slocum, and Allen (in
press). A random selection of NLM:P stories for all three subtests were administered to the
children six times within three weeks. The six TNR story retell results, six TSC story
comprehension results, and six TPG story generation results were analyzed for alternate form
reliability within subjects. The two-tailed bivariate Pearson correlation was .77, p < .001 for the
TNR; .88, p < .001 for the TSC; and .61, p < .01 for the TPG. In general, we found moderately
strong preliminary evidence of alternate form reliability for the subtests of the NLM, with
stronger results with the TNR and TSC.
Fidelity of Administration. A GOM instrument must have standardized procedures that
can be followed with fidelity so that multiple examiners can administer the assessment
consistently. Twenty percent of the TNR and TPG administrations and 30% of the TSC
administrations were assessed for fidelity of administration across examiners. A procedural
checklist, including items for scripted administration and neutral prompting, was used to track
percent of administration steps completed correctly. For the TNR subtest, mean fidelity of
administration was 91%. For the TPG subtest, mean fidelity of administration was 93%. For
the TSC subtest, fidelity of administration was mean 98%. The fidelity of administration for the
NLM subtests appears to be excellent, suggesting that administration is not difficult.
Interrater Reliability. Scoring narrative language can be a complex and difficult task. An
assessment of narrative language must include procedures that promote reliable scoring across
examiners. For the TNR, we investigated the interrater reliability of scoring from a transcript
and from a simulated real-time scenario. For the TSC, we investigated the interrater reliability
of scoring from transcribed responses. For the TPG, interrater reliability was investigated by
analyzing transcribed stories.
Point-by-point agreement was calculated for 20%–30% of the subtests by dividing the
number of agreements by the number of agreements plus disagreements multiplied by 100. For
the transcribed TNR stories, a trained graduate student and the first author achieved a mean
agreement of 96%. For the transcribed TPG stories, the same independent scorers had a mean
agreement of 94%. For the TSC subtest, scoring by a trained undergraduate student and the
second author achieved a mean agreement of 91%.
For the TNR stories that were scored in real time, several trained graduate students
independently listened to an audio recording of the children’s narratives. The graduate
students were only allowed to listen to the audio recording one time, simulating a real-time
scoring context. Mean agreement for real-time scoring was 91%. When comparing real-time
TNR scores to scores derived from transcribed narratives, mean agreement was 93%. All of the
agreement scores for the NLM subtests are above a traditional acceptability level, suggesting
adequate interrater reliability.
Technical Adequacy: Validity
Validity, according to The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
(American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and National
Council on Measurement in Education, 1999) is the “degree to which evidence and theory
support the interpretation of test scores entailed by proposed uses of tests” (p. 9). As pointed
out by Gall et al. (2007) and Messick (1995), it is the interpretation of test scores that holds
validity. That is, the results of a GOM instrument need to be interpretable and meaningful, and
actions based on test results need to be appropriate (Gall et al., 2007; Messick, 1989, 1995).
Test validity can be measured by accumulating evidence to support the proposed application of
test results. When examining the validity of an assessment instrument, the content relevancy
of the measures, often referred to as content validity, represents evidential, interrelated facets
of the unitary concept of validity (Pedhazur & Schmelkin, 1991). The examination of test
content can include theoretical and empirical analyses along with more surface-level analyses
such as logical and expert judgment. Each of these analyses should focus on the extent that
the content of a test reflects the construct of interest.
Additional means of gathering evidence of construct validity include calculating
intercorrelations among subtests and factor analysis. Examining the relationship between the
results of a measure and the results of other measures designed to assess the same construct
can also derive evidence of validity. This examination is designed to demonstrate the extent to
which an instrument matches comparable, previously validated instruments in rank ordering
individual performances (Bachman, 1990; McNamara, 2000). This convergent-correlational
evidence of validity, often represented as criterion-related validity, is highly dependent on the
existence of valid, external tests.
Construct Validity: Intercorrelations. If the subtests of an assessment are significantly
correlated, this can be evidence that the subtests are all measuring a related construct. The
retell (TNR) and story comprehension (TSC) subtest correlation was .43 (p = .005). The TNR and
story generation (TPG) subtest correlation was .64 (p = .0001). The TPG and TSC subtests were
not significantly correlated (.23, p = .10). These correlations suggest that the retell and story
comprehension subtests are assessing a similar construct (narrative comprehension), and that
the retell and personal generation subtests are assessing a similar construct (narrative
production), but that the personal generation subtest and the story comprehension subtests
are testing different constructs.
Construct Validity: Factor Analysis. Factor analysis is conducted to explore the degree to
which underlying traits of a test can be identified and the extent to which those traits reflect
the theoretical model on which the test is based. Principal components exploratory factor
analysis was conducted, followed by a maximum likelihood factor analysis. Three criteria were
used to determine the number of factors to rotate: the a priori hypothesis that the NLM
subtests measured narrative production and narrative comprehension, the scree test, and the
interpretability of the factor solution. The scree plot indicated that our initial hypothesis was
correct. Based on the plot, two factors were rotated using a Varimax rotation procedure. The
rotated solution yielded two interpretable factors, narrative production and narrative
comprehension (Table 1). Narrative production accounted for 37% of the item variance, and
narrative comprehension accounted for 32% of the item variance. The narrative production
factor included the TPG and TNR subtests. The narrative comprehension factor included the
TSC and TNR subtests. The TNR subtest loaded on both factors, just as our intercorrelation
findings indicated. This factor analysis finding suggests that each of the subtests is reflective of
different, interrelated facets of the construct of narration.
Table 1. Factor Analysis of the NLM Subtests
Note. TNR = Test of Narrative Retell; TPG = Test of Personal Generation; TSC = Test of Story
* p < .05
Construct Validity: Criterion-Related Evidence. To measure evidence of criterion-related
validity, we analyzed mean TNR scores administered to five preschool children. Details about
the participants and procedures can be reviewed in Spencer and Slocum (2010). We compared
mean TNR scores to The Renfrew Bus Story (Cowley & Glasgow, 1994), which is a standardized,
norm-referenced assessment of narration that has good evidence of validity. We also compared
the average TNR scores to an adapted version of the Index of Narrative Complexity (INC;
Petersen et al., 2008), which is a scoring rubric (without stories) designed for school-age
children that preceded the development of the NLM. The INC and the NLM use similar scoring
procedures and scales. The INC has good initial evidence of validity (Petersen, et al., 2008). The
TNR and Bus Story scores correlated at r = .88, and the INC and NLM scores correlated at r =
.93. Our preliminary evidence suggests that the TNR subtest assesses the same construct as
previously validated measures of narration.
Sensitivity to Growth Due to Intervention or Change Over Time
Thus far, our research with the NLM has been associated with intervention studies. We
do not yet have evidence of the NLM being sensitive to change over time due to maturation or
age. However, evidence of the NLM being sensitive to growth due to intervention is extremely
promising. In the Spencer et al. (2012) study, two classrooms of Head Start students
participated in 12 15-minute sessions of large group narrative intervention. Two comparable
classrooms of Head Start students served as a control group, and significant gains for the
treatment group were detected on the TNR and TSC subtests in a relatively short period of time
(e.g., three weeks). Spencer and Slocum (2010) conducted small group narrative intervention
with 19 Head Start students in groups of four children and one interventionist. Intervention
occurred four days a week for approximately eight weeks, and the NLM was administered prior
to daily intervention sessions. Five children served as research participants in a multiple
baseline experimental design. Substantial improvements were observed for the TNR and TPG
subtests following the onset of intervention. Some students showed immediate increases in
scores and some showed more gradual patterns of improvement. The evidence is mounting that
the NLM is sensitive to language growth due to intervention
Current Uses and Future Directions
The NLM:P was originally developed as an outcome measure for a preschool
intervention study in 2008. Aside from narrative scoring rubrics such as the Index of Narrative
Complexity (Petersen et al., 2008) and the Narrative Scoring Scheme (Miller & Chapman, 2004),
there were no valid and reliable language assessment tools with a sufficient number of
equivalent forms for repeated monitoring. Similarly, there were no language tools that did not
require labor-intensive transcription and scoring. We followed the literature on GOM and
curriculum-based measurement to design a language monitoring tool. Much of our efforts have
been focused on what we perceived to be the greatest obstacles—time efficiency and technical
adequacy. It appears that we have been able to develop an assessment tool that largely meets
the GOM characteristics, but more research is needed. As a result of the NLM’s promise,
additional grade-level measures are in the development process and research efforts have
expanded. The NLM:P and NLM:K have recently been employed as outcome measures in seven
recent intervention studies (Brandel, Spencer, & Petersen, 2012; Kajian, Bilyk, Marum, &
Spencer, 2012; Petersen, Brown, De George, Zebre, & Spencer, 2011; Smith, Spencer, &
Petersen, 2011; Spencer, Kajian, Bilyk, & Petersen, 2012; Thompsen, Petersen, & Spencer,
2012; Tonn, Petersen, & Spencer, 2012) and were the focus of investigation in at least two
others (Chanthongthip, Petersen, & Spencer, 2012; Tilstra, Petersen, & Spencer, 2012).
Our preliminary data from research are encouraging; however, a true test of usability
comes from clinicians. Other language professionals and educators have expressed enthusiasm
about the potential of monitoring language over time using a standardized measure that has
multiple equivalent forms. We have, and continue to provide, support to school districts and
clinicians who pilot the tools in applied settings so that we can learn from them. This has been
highly valuable, because clinicians have shared with us what they need and provided specific
suggestions for improvement. Based on reports from clinicians, the NLM likely has many uses
in schools. First, because the TNR is intended to be a GOM tool, it can be used to screen
children for language needs, much like how measures of reading fluency are used in schools.
Although the TSC and TPG necessitate lengthier scoring procedures, they can also be used for
screening. Sometimes, it is helpful to use all three subtests to ensure a comprehensive picture
of a child’s language production and comprehension abilities. A second purpose is progress
monitoring. The 25 alternate forms allow for frequent repeated probing of the same skills over
time. Using the NLM subtests, children’s language could be sampled quarterly, monthly, or
weekly, depending on the intensity of language instruction and intervention. Clinicians may
select subtests for progress monitoring according to the needs and language targets of
individual children. Third, results from the NLM subtests can be used to identify language
targets and inform intervention. For example, story grammar can be addressed with children
who fail to produce a complete episode. Morphosyntax, vocabulary, and comprehension of
factual and inferential questions can also be identified as worthy intervention targets through
the use of the NLM. Careful examination of TPG results can help identify clinical targets,
inform intervention planning, and provide a sample of a child’s generalized independent
narrative ability.
Although the NLM can be used for these purposes, there are a number of limitations of
employing measurement tools that are not fully developed, validated, and disseminated. Often,
clinicians inquire why other features that seem relevant to language measurement are not
scored in the NLM. This is an important question because the answer is critical for
understanding what the NLM is and what the NLM is not. GOM is not intended to be detailed
measurement of the construct of interest. Rather, GOM tools are proxy measures that estimate
a socially important domain. In this case, the NLM reflects general language ability that is
academically relevant. Due to the other characteristics of GOM (e.g., time efficiency), there are
trade-offs in the inclusion of features that are able to be scored. For that reason, the scored
features of the NLM are restricted to those that are closely related to general language ability.
By selecting some features and not others, we compromise some important aspects so that it
can be used by professionals without extensive knowledge of language and be scored efficiently
and reliably. This could be perceived as a limitation of the NLM. For language experts who want
more detailed information, we encourage them to record narrative productions from the NLM,
transcribe them, and analyze the transcripts as one might do with a traditional language
sample. The advantage of using the NLM stories as opposed to other types of stories is that the
NLM stories can be scored quickly, have preliminary evidence of equivalency, and can provide a
more accurate picture of growth than stories that are variable.
Currently, the subtests do not have norms or cut scores to help identify children who
are at risk during the screening process. Although we are working toward this aim, in the
meantime, we encourage practitioners to establish local norms or compare narrative
productions to developmental sequences prevalent in the narrative language literature. This
type of criterion could be used as an estimate of comparison, at least until normative data can
be gathered.
Another limitation is that children, especially young children, are not accustomed to
taking tests. To make important decisions, a single administration of any subtest should be
avoided. We recommend that if the NLM is used for infrequent probing (e.g., fall, winter,
spring), then three TNRs, TSCs, or TPGs should be administered to increase the likelihood of
obtaining valid language performance. This is important for a number of reasons. First, the
content of the stories have some unavoidable variability. Although we have gone to great
lengths to write stories on topics that are likely to be experienced by children, there is no
guarantee that every child has experienced the featured problem. Second, children are rarely
consistent listeners and speakers. Language production and comprehension, especially in the
NLM tasks, are related to attention, memory, and cognition. The conditions of assessment and
rapport may heavily impact the results of language tests like these. The administration of three
stories in one session reduces some of the potential confounds associated with this format for
language assessment. If frequent probing is conducted, the issues of relatability of content and
attention, memory, and cognition are less critical because data are analyzed for trend, not
level. However, we recommend one or two practice tests so that children can become familiar
with the expectations of the tasks.
Given that narration is an advanced language skill, many young children are unable to
produce narratives without additional assistance. Many clinicians ask whether we plan to use
pictures with our retell tasks. Picture supports are common in narrative tests; however, we
have aimed to develop an authentic test that reflects general language ability. The language a
child produces is natural contexts is often substantially different than language produced
when prompted by visual cues. Children most often tell personal stories about events they have
directly experienced or observed, and picture cues are rarely available in spontaneous, natural
storytelling exchanges. For that reason, we strive to reduce the extraneous supports in our
measurement context and make the tasks as authentic as possible (e.g., relatable content,
auditory/oral) while still adhering to the characteristics of GOM. That being said, we recognize
that some children with significant language limitations or very young children are unable to
produce even the most basic narrative retell. Without using additional supports, we can
artificially create floor effects, whereby many children score zeros.
In a pilot study of the effects of TNR administered with and without pictures, we found
that preschoolers who produced a quality retell with pictures were able to produce a quality
retell without pictures, too. Some children who were unable to produce a retell without pictures
were able to perform better when pictures were available, although these children did not
typically produce retells with high scores. The remaining children, likely those with significant
language needs, scored zeros whether or not the pictures were available. We conclude that for a
small portion of preschoolers, or for children with significant language impairment, pictures
can help obtain a sample of children’s language. However, adequate performance on the TNR
with picture support should not be the end goal but rather an intermediate step. For children
who are 3 years old, extremely shy, or whose language is significantly limited, we recommend
pictures be used initially for testing but faded as children’s confidence and skills develop. The
newly revised NLM:P allows this option.
The future of the NLM is promising. The NLM offers hope for greater speech-language
pathologist contribution in RTI systems and differentiated intervention for young children with
diverse language needs. A GOM instrument for language has the potential to bridge a gap
between educators and language professionals by promoting the monitoring of a shared
socially and academically relevant domain. Despite the potential, there is much to be done.
Validity studies with larger numbers of participants need to be conducted, norms need to be
established, and training materials need to be refined. Thus far, the NLM development has
resulted from amazing collaboration across disciplines and between researchers and
practitioners. We wish to continue along this path and invite others to join us.
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