Diagnostic Assessment for Language Disorder and Dyslexia
Accurately identify language learning and decoding learning disorders in children kindergarten through eighth grade,
including children who are culturally and linguistically diverse.
Three Purposes of the DYMOND™

Accurately Identify
Language Disorder
In approximately 6-8 minutes, the DYMOND can accurately identify language learning disorders (e.g., DLD) with 95% sensitivity and 91% specificity.
Accurately Identify
In approximately 5-7 minutes, the DYMOND can accurately identify decoding learning disorders (e.g., dyslexia) with 95% sensitivity and 91% specificity.
Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, and Instructional Targets
Results of all subtests of the DYMOND help examiners identify strengths and weaknesses, and decide which language and decoding-related targets should be focused on in instruction.
Identify Language and Decoding Learning Disorders with Unparalleled Accuracy and Efficiency!
The Dynamic Measures Of Narrative Language and Decoding (DYMOND™) is an individually administered norm-referenced dynamic and static assessment of language and decoding for children ages 5;0-14;5. The DYMOND has excellent sensitivity (95% all ages/demographics) and excellent specificity (91% all ages/demographics combined), providing strong evidence of the DYMOND’s diagnostic accuracy. This means that appropriate and timely decisions can be made regarding interventions and services, especially for children from diverse cultural, language, and economic backgrounds. With the DYMOND, decision-makers can make impactful, well-informed intervention choices that shape a child’s academic trajectory and life outcomes. Whether used to help identify a language or decoding learning disorder or specific instructional needs, the DYMOND empowers educators, clinicians, and families to help children achieve their full potential.

The Normative Sample Includes Geographic, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
The normative sample for the DYMOND includes 1454 children, grades kindergarten through eighth grade (ages 5;0-14;5), that were tested in 80 sites across 36 U.S. states, including 359 multilingual children. This very diverse group of typically developing students closely reflects the range of English language proficiency and multilingualism found in the U.S. The inclusion of multilingual children in the normative sample is an important and unique feature of the DYMOND. In several states all children in entire classrooms or schools were individually administered the DYMOND, which increased the likelihood of obtaining a representative sample of children. Learn more >
Unmatched Sensitivity and Specificity for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Children!
The DYMOND has excellent sensitivity (e.g., 95%) and excellent specificity (e.g., 91%) across all demographics and ages of the normative sample. Among culturally and linguistically diverse children, the sensitivity/specificity for identifying language learning disorder is 96%/94%, and the sensitivity/specificity for identifying decoding learning disorder is 94%/94%. High sensitivity and specificity are essential for equitable decision-making, especially when evaluating children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The DYMOND’s ability to maintain diagnostic accuracy across various populations provides further evidence of its validity for use in diverse educational contexts. Learn more >

Subtests of the DYMOND™ and Their Purposes
- Dynamic Assessment of Narrative Discourse (DAND): The DAND subtest is designed to measure language learning potential, and provides critical insights into a child’s ability to learn and use complex language, identifying areas that may benefit from targeted instruction. This subtest is used to both identify language learning disorder (e.g., DLD) and identify strengths, weaknesses, and instructional targets. Learn more >
- Dynamic Assessment of Inferential Word Learning (DAIWL): The DAIWL subtest assesses a child’s ability to infer the meaning of unfamiliar words using linguistic context clues and helps identify difficulties in inferential word learning that are due to a language disorder, providing valuable insights into vocabulary learning potential and highlights areas where targeted instruction may be needed. This subtest is used to identify strengths, weaknesses, and instructional targets. Learn more >
- Dynamic Assessment of Decoding (DAD): The DAD subtest evaluates a child’s ability to decode nonsense words and their ability to learn decoding strategies during a brief instructional session. The DAD assesses both current decoding skills and learning potential. This subtest is used to both identify decoding learning disorder (e.g., dyslexia) and identify strengths, weaknesses, and instructional targets. Learn more >
- Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN): The RAN subtest measures a child’s phonological processing ability, a key factor in reading fluency. By measuring the speed and accuracy of phonological retrieval, the RAN subtest helps determine whether slow processing may be contributing to reading difficulties. This subtest is used to identify strengths, weaknesses, and instructional targets. Learn more >

What is included in the DYMOND
- Storage box with handle
- DYMOND examiner’s manual
- DYMOND stimulus book/easel
- DYMOND record forms, 16 pages (25 included; Additional record forms available to purchase)
- DYMOND carrying case with tag
Highlights of the DYMOND
- Accurately identifies language learning disorder and decoding learning disorder.
- Identifies strengths, weaknesses, and instructional targets for language and decoding.
- Eliminates cultural and linguistic test bias.
- Intended population: Kindergarten through eighth grade children (ages 5;0-14;5), including those who are culturally and linguistically diverse.
- Administration time: The entire DYMOND takes approximately 15-20 minutes to administer. For different testing purposes, not all subtests need to be administered.
- Examiner qualifications: The DYMOND can be administered by individuals who have specialized training in the assessment, evaluation, and diagnosis of language and/or reading disorders.